World Traveler

This blog is going to be about news around the world that the U.S. media may not cover, due to it not directly impacting the U.S.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

England: BPAS Refers Clinics for Late Abortions

In the UK, 24 weeks is the limit for performing legal abortions. However, it has been discovered that the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) refers women to other countries where they can have an abortion past 24 weeks. Around 100 women call each year wanting late abortions. Sir Liam Donaldson, the Chief Medical Officer said these women should first be seen by a counselor, and then it is legal to give this information to the women. Donaldson is in charge of this case and the BPAS must reply by October to his response for the organization to "tighten its procedures."

This news report was found through BBC NEWS


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